Sunday, June 2, 2013

If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air... Quaint little villages here and there... You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod....

Brant Rock...Where do I begin?

If you ask me about my earliest memories of summer, I'd describe the following...Waking up to the soft breeze of my window fan blowing on me in my bedroom on Pudding Brook Drive. I can picture my mom in my doorway whispering, "It's time to wake up Beth-we want to get to the beach nice and early!" I'd leap out of bed and put on my bathing suit and sundress that she had laid out for me the night before. I'd go down to the kitchen to see her packing up the final snacks in the cooler, (she'd already made the lunches the night before). She'd safely buckle me in, roll down the windows, and would hit "Play" on her cassette player in the car. Patty Page's soothing voice would play over the radio..."If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air..." I'd hear my mom singing along. Peace...

We'd stop at a cute little bakery in Marshfield where she would get a coffee and I would pick out a frosted cookie. We'd get back in the car, anticipation building in my belly...I loved the ocean. She  would keep me focused by saying, "Tell me when you can see the ocean Beth. What color do you think it will be today? I bet I can tell you-it's the color of your eyes. Your eyes always match the ocean." I'd feel so beautiful...

At the time I had figured she was too focused on the road to notice the water creeping up on the left. I'd finally shout from the back seat, "There it is!" She'd find our parking spot, right next to the North Street sign and we'd make our way to the beach for the day.

These were my earliest, and some of my most cherished memories of summer....

Brant Rock has since, never let me down. When I first got my license, I would drive there at night and sit on the wall. I'd spend my days there with my best friends "working on our tan," and even rocked my first bikini on that beach when I was 15, (I felt like the whole beach was going to notice that my belly was exposed)! I remember ridiculous things like getting pegged in the back of the thigh with a renegade whiffle ball the first day in my bikini, (stupid teenage boys), Laura Kelly falling off the jetty and getting scratched up, my crazy brother always running full speed into the waves, Mandy Kelly smashing a glass bottle accidentally on the rocks and being scolded by a bunch of moms, intense hunts for crabs, slushes, my moms "only go up to your knees" rule, and of course some sunburns I regretted from baby oil (oops!).

As I got older, a few particular dates actually really stood out. The days that became so meaningful to me...

Saturday June 27, 2009, was the weekend before my due date with James. I was gigantic, pregnant, hot, and anxious. I woke up and said to Andy that we should go to the beach once more before we had our baby and wouldn't have a peaceful trip to the beach again for a long time. I threw on a long sundress, (I was not one who could have pulled off a two-piece...or even an actual bathing suit for that matter at that point in the pregnancy), packed a lunch and some drinks, grabbed a book about pregnancy/newborns, and we headed to Brant Rock. We arrived at the beach super early and got a great spot. Andy and I relaxed, read, and most importantly got to talk about the arrival of our baby boy. We walked along the beach, had some laughs (that still make me actually giggle). Being full-term meant I had to make frequent trips to the bathroom, and the sand didn't help with the urgency. The heat eventually took over and we decided to head to Dairy Queen to cool off. I vaguely remember sitting on a bench with Andy holding a soft serve vanilla with cherry dip, and looking at him and feeling so happy. I actually said, "This is one of my happiest days ever." I felt like it was the perfect close to our chapter of "Andy and Elizabeth."

One of my favorite pictures of James. Celebrating his last weekend as an only child at Brant Rock.

Flash forward 2 years to July 16, 2011-the Saturday before my scheduled c-section for Thomas. Same size, same plan, probably the same tent-sized sundress, only this time I told Andy that we should take advantage of our beach day because it probably will never be as peaceful as it was with just the three of us-Andy, James, and me. We packed up our little family and made our way to Brant Rock. James looked so big to me that day. I spent the time soaking up the thought of him becoming a big brother-how would he be? How was he going to handle this life altering week? How was I going to say goodbye to this comfort zone of mine? The three of us splashed in the ice cold waves, (one actually knocking James down), got covered in sand, and exhausted ourselves before calling it quits and heading to Dairy Queen. Again-same bench, same "happy thoughts." The final chapter of "Andy, Elizabeth, and James."

Best Friends from the start

....And here I am. Almost 2 years later. June 2, 2013. I'm not expecting, not as small as I used to be, but not as big as I was, a new sundress, and a hot day. I had spent last week battling some strange sickness that left me corpse-like in my bed. I needed to venture out and I needed some time to regroup my family. We altered the plans a bit because our 2 year old needs his mid-day nap and was born a nice shade of Irish-pale, so the sun doesn't do him any good. We opted for a late afternoon trip to Brant Rock. I packed a picnic supper, snacks, apple juice, and some dog treats because this was going to be a full-McKenna family trip to the beach. I was a little nervous, but hopeful. James was getting anxious in the backseat on the way there-I could almost feel his butterflies in my own belly, remembering that I once felt the same way he did. I caught myself actually say, "Tell me when you see the ocean James!" I looked over and saw him stretching out his chin trying to peer out the front window. "It's over there mom!" He saw it! I got to be the mom this time and pretended I didn't see it so he could feel extra proud of himself. Andy parked the car across in a little spot directly across from where my mom used to park. We unloaded the car and made our way to the jetty.

Curious little guy spotted a lady bug

Thomas found a window between the rocks!

Thomas-always with his snacks and apple juice!

Watson keeping an eye on the baby of the family

Watson and James entertained each other while Thomas snacked, did a little whining (for some reason he wanted me to find the moon while the sun was still up), I got to snap some cute pictures of my boys, and Andy helped herd us all together. Watson showed off by playing fetch in the waves-that James described as, "100 years big because they must have taken 100 years to make," leaving us laughing. Andy took James on an "adventure" to the end of the jetty, while I relaxed on a blanket with Thomas. A black loon captivated the boys attention by swimming under water and coming up briefly for air. James was able to sit on a rock, while Thomas made do by finding a small window between a few rocks. I watched on at my boys wondering how I ever got so lucky. The sun began to set and it was time to clean up. I heard Andy say, "Elizabeth-Dairy Queen?" Of course! I told the boys we were going to get ice cream and they both started cheering for it. We packed up our guys and off we went!

You can see the loon splashing near by! They were so excited!

Each of the boys got their own sundaes (with a cherry on top per James' request). Not a drop was spilled. I had my vanilla with cherry dip and found myself realizing that this day spent at Brant Rock was again one of my most cherished of all time. We successfully pulled off a trip not only with the boys, but with Watson too, where we were an actual unit. We all held it together, everyone was happy, and at one point I even heard James say, "I love you Thomas." We put on the lullaby CD we have in the car and James was asleep before we were out of Marshfield. Thomas stayed up singing along. Both boys went to bed with no problem. It was a totally spontaneous, perfect day.

I've been humming my favorite Patty Page tune all night as it loops through my head. It's only the 2nd day in June and I have the whole summer ahead of me. I can feel the excitement my mother must have felt when I was that small and we'd spend our days at Brant Rock. I can't wait to watch the boys fall in love with it the way I did.

Happy Summer!

My loves, My life


  1. Beautiful imagery, Elizabeth! I feel like I was there with you<3

  2. You've made me cry Beth. Such happy times we had at Brant Rock. I too spent my childhood there with my parents and Grandfather, Adrian. The family farm was down the street from there. So happy those precious boys are spending time in that fun place.
