Wednesday, June 8, 2011

...and he makes my life worth living....

Less than a month until he is 2, and becomes a big brother. How is that possible? How is this little guy going to seem so big? Well....his personality is certainly a factor!

Of course all moms probably think their kids have the biggest personality, and I'm defintiely one of them, and I might have some witnesses who agree. This child sometimes blows my mind. When I was pregnant with James, I used to joke with Andy that he'd come out looking like him, but would have my personality. For those who know me, my personality goes hand and hand with my ever rambling mouth. I admit it, I never shut up. I always have something to say, or a story to tell. It's been that way since I was a baby, and I guarantee I'll never change...

I met my match...

James went from saying his first official word, "ball" at 8 months of age, to sentences by 18 months. From the moment he wakes in the morning, he is talking. I know he's awake because I can hear him talking to his stuffed animals, "Good morning Griffey Bear," "Good Morning Bumbee!" Then he tells them about the trucks and cars that are on the floor and says "We go to Gramma's house today to drive Papa's car." I'll come in the room and he instructs me to open his curtains and turn off his fan. He asks what outfit he'll wear, and I show him the shirt and have him tell me what is on it. He'll retain this information until we get to my moms house and he'll puff his little chest out and tell her exactly what's on his shirt. (example: pirate shirt, fireman shirt, dinosaur shirt, baseball shirt, etc). My mom will compliment him and he'll stand there smiling (and showing off).

As he approaches the "terrible two's," he's become a bit more demanding and a bit more of a dictator. He loves bossing people around-adjusting already to his role as a big brother I suppose. My father-in-law compared him to a little doll that you can pull a string and a few catch phrases will come out, "STOP" "Don't Worry" "Go away" "No thank you!" He puts this fake frown on and tries to act tough. He'll point his little finger like a tough guy, but unfortunately can't keep a straight face. He's a character.

A couple new things, other than his commands, that have brought me many smiles, have been how he points out all the cars and trucks on the road while I drive places. He'll tell me about the dump trucks, tractors, buses, police cars, fire trucks, and "ambances." He'll point out big mounds of dirt and say "messes mama, vacuum!" He back seat drives, so he'll instruct me when to stop, and when to go. He knows to look for the red and green lights. He tells me when to slow down or to "go fast." He gets nervous in drive-thru lines when I get so close-"Careful mama! Don't crash!" I swear he has a little of my mom in him!

I've been singing to him the same lullaby that my parents sung to me as a child, "Morningtown Ride." My parents were big into folk music and the Seekers were one of their favorite groups. About a week or so ago I started singing it to him, and he started singing along with me-literally every word. It's officially the first song that we've sung together word-for-word. For almost months now, I've been able to sing lines of songs and leave out the last word of each verse and he'll fill in the blank, but this is the first official song he has completely memorized, and it's adorable. I keep meaning to record him singing it, because his little voice is so precious.

I've been telling James that he's going to have a baby, and Baby Thomas is in my belly. A couple weeks ago, while out at a restaurant with my parents, my dad asked "Where is Thomas, James?" James pointed right to my belly and said "in mama's belly!" I couldn't believe it. He had been listening. Now if you say anything about Thomas, he comes right to my belly. I'm hoping this means he's getting excited, and will welcome the little intruder into his home with open arms! Either that, or he's picturing a miniature train in my belly-we shall see!

My mom has been taking him for walks each day. Everytime he sees a lilac bush, he insists on picking some for me. I'm sure the neighbors aren't too impressed, but my mom caves and lets him do it. He runs in the house and says "Mama! Pretty Flowers! Mama Happy!!" He insists on holding the flowers the whole walk home with no assistance from my mom. I think this started with the lilac bush outside of our house. Every night when we'd get out of the car, I'd bring him over to smell the flowers (one of my most favorite smells). He knew how much I loved these flowers, and now can pick them out anywhere. They are now officially "Mama's flowers" not lilacs!

We bought him a couple puzzles to play with. He will pretend to put the pieces in the wrong spots, or upside down and wait for us to look then says "No, silly James-that's not zebra," or "No, silly James, firetruck upside down!" He corrects himself, but wants us to laugh at his little joke!

Today I got the chance to take him down to the beach. We found crabs, hermit crabs, periwinkles, and a horseshoe crab. He held the crab and hermit crab in his chubby little hands and laughed hysterically. He kept calling the hermit crabs "buggies." I corrected him, but then I'd her him say "Mama, more buggies!" The smaller ones were "baby buggies" and the bigger ones were "daddy buggies." We had a great time at the beach, and he was exhausted tonight-early bed!

July 22nd, I'm scheduled for my c-section. I can't believe I'm going to have two boys. I try to wrap my mind around it, but I don't think I'll believe it until I'm holding Thomas in my arms. I'm sure Thomas is already familiar with that little (big) voice that talks non-stop from 8a.m.-8p.m. everyday. I'm sure it will bring him pure happiness, as it does to so many people already.

I'm positive in the next month, there will be a million more things that James will do that will bring a smile to my face. I'm a person who not only talks a lot, but smiles a lot. I have a happy heart. I just never knew how happy I could be until James came into my life.

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