Thursday, March 3, 2011

...and then there were 2!

It's been so long since my last blog. It must have been a combo of being newly pregnant, working full-time, and chasing a very busy toddler.

I need to make sure I document some fond memories from the past few months, that went by so fast, it's all a blur to me!

Andy and I have been planning on having our second baby pretty much since we had our first. James made everything so easy and beautiful for us. We knew we wanted another one, and we didn't want to wait long. We wanted James to have a built-in buddy whom which he could share Christmas memories, to play with in the back yard, and have little camp outs with in his bedroom. Someone he can experience everything with. His life-long companion.

I took the positive pregnancy test on Friday, November 12, 2010. Andy had gone to the store, and I took the test on a whim. James, who has always been a fantastic sleeper, for some reason woke up and was crying for me right as I read the positive result. I went in his room, picked him up out of his crib, and rocked him in the chair while crying tears of joy. The little guy in my arms had no idea that his life was going to change in 8 months. It was perfect to share those first moments, knowing I was now a mom of two, with my beautiful baby boy.

This time around, I couldn't wait for Andy to get home to share the surprise with him. He called me on his way home, and I asked if he had someone to stand in for me in the softball tournament we were scheduled to play in the following weekend. Right away he knew what I meant. His reaction was perfect-total happiness and some of the happiest laughter I've heard from him! He eased any, "What am I about to get myself into?" feelings I had since seeing the plus sign on the test. Andy came home and ran upstairs, and we hugged in the bathroom (so romantic), and started wondering, "Will James have a little sister or a little brother?"

Within three weeks, I was face down in the toilet again, right on schedule. Morning sickness has been tough, but not at all compared to what I went through while pregnant with James. It's hard to say if this baby is just being easier on me, or if removing my 4hr commute to work had something to do with it. I've been able to take my time to get out of bed, and wear comfortable clothes all day. I'm not faced with sketchy smells coming from any cubicles nearby. I could create a happy, pregnancy bubble full of pleasant smells.

It's hard to believe I'm in the fifth month of pregnancy now. I feel like this is moving along so much faster than my first, having a toddler to keep me busy. I've recently started feeling some stronger movements in my belly, which helps remind me that I have another baby with me at all times. Our anatomy appointment was Friday, February 25th. Andy and I both agreed it would be a win-win whether we have a girl or a boy. One of each would be nice, but two little boys to grow up together would be priceless. We lucked out and the baby was very cooperative. As soon as the ultrasound tech put the "wand" on my belly, the baby was dancing on the screen-so big and so active already. The tech kept us in suspense as she did all the measurements and checked everything, avoiding the pelvic area. Finally the moment came. She asked, "Do you want to know the gender." Both of us couldnt get the word, "YES" out of our mouths fast enough. There it was, his little "manliness" clear for both of us to see. James was going to have a little brother. We knew we had Thomas Liam McKenna growing stronger each day in my belly. We held hands and cried tears of joy together.

We spent the car ride home talking about what moments we have ahead of us. Two little boys-pure chaos. We talked about feetie pajamas, Christmas mornings, the first days of school, and their first baseball games. We talked about high school for them-getting to share the experience together. We laughed how they can be referred to as "The McKenna Boys." It's all so exciting-we have so much to look forward to!

As for now, I'm going to enjoy my pregnancy and take it one day at a time. Words can't describe how excited I am to meet this little boy, and introduce James to his little brother. However, I want to take in every moment with James for now. It's a bittersweet feeling changing from a mom of one, to a mom of two. I can't help but fight some of the guilty feelings of missing out on more one-on-one time with James. I know once that baby is in my arms it will all fall into place, but for now I will enjoy every cuddle, snuggle, laugh, giggle, cry, and kiss with my little boy, who will soon look so big.

1 comment:

  1. Life is so exciting when new babies are coming along.James is so filled with love.He will shower little Thomas with kisses and hugs.Here we go again.What will he look like?Will he have bis eyes and dimples?A couple of days after his birth,his beautiful little face will be Thomas' face.A face like no other.Can't wait to love this special little man.Wonder if he knows how many people are waiting to love him.This time the little fingers will grasp his big brothers little fingers,and he'll hold on for a lifetime.
