Sunday, October 17, 2010

The only difference between a puppy and a baby is two extra legs.-Author Unknown

Although James was our first "biological" child, we consider Watson our 1st born. Watson "Dots" McKenna is our 80lb. yellow Labrador Retriever. He was born on 8/8/07, and we welcomed him in our home on 12/1/07. For those of you who have dogs, especially labs, you know how much work they can be. They are considered the eternal children in the dog world. They are hyper, clumsy, and goofy. They shed more than any other animal I've seen. This weekend while sweeping, polishing, and vacuuming I wondered if this was his master plan-to cover everything with fur that he possibly can.

December 1, 2007-Watson's first night home with us!

Watson broke us into parenthood long before James. If we could get through the puppy years with a Lab, we could get through anything. To be a Lab owner, you must have patience and a big heart. They are, in my opinion, the happiest and most energetic creatures God put on this earth.

We treat Watson like a human. For you non-dog lovers, (which I'll never understand), this might appal you. He has the run of the house-including our bed. The highlight of his day is jumping into bed with us and settling in his spot-right in between Andy and me. He sleeps with his head on the pillow and spoons my husband. I, in turn, spoon him. The three of us are a cozy sight to see. He snores like an 80 year old man, sometimes "talks" in his sleep, and on many occasions I've seen him chasing something in his dreams. Come to think of it-I do believe he was someplace in our bed the night James was conceived...

So their relationship began.....

Watson is THE most non-aggressive dog in this world. He never even let out a somewhat aggressive bark until I was pregnant. This is where nature blows my mind. How would a dog know that I'm pregnant? Its not like I can tell him-well I did actually tell him (see my first blog), but can't believe he somehow understood. He must have been able to sense the hormones or the change in the house. I remember the early days of his protective bark, when my belly was just beginning to pop. He'd let out this low growl followed by a loud bark. I knew he had stepped up and decided it was time to protect the nest.

When the time came for me to start pacing around the house and counting the minutes between contractions, I had told Andy to get some sleep. I knew it wasn't long before I'd be waking him up to get me to the hospital. Watson kept me company. I waddled around, up and down the stairs, around the house, in the shower, you name it. Anything to keep me moving and the contractions regulating. Watson was my labor labor coach. I hugged him and squeezed him with each pain I felt, he didn't talk, didn't force any of his own stories on  me, and didn't interrupt any of my contractions. He gave me kisses and helped ease my fear and pain. I finally woke Andy up and told him it was time for us to get to the hospital. He got our things in the car and helped me out of the house...then it hit me....

Watson wasn't going to be our only child anymore. In fact, I wasn't even able to give him any real warning like other parents do with the cute "Big Sister" or "Big Brother" t-shirts. I was going to blindside his world with this miniature human. I looked through the windshield and saw him watching us drive away, through the window of our house, with a "Where are you going?" expression on his face. I lost it. I cried the entire way to the hospital-not tears of pain, but tears for Watson and our time we had with him being our only child. I couldn't even explain to Andy why I was crying so hard because they were those tears that don't even let you talk-the ones that are combined with the awful lump in your throat. It was awful.

I had packed a picture of Watson in my suitcase to hang up once we got there. I needed to be able to see him while we were away. This comforted me.

Finally it was time to bring James home to meet his furry brother. Andy got out the video camera and we taped their first interaction. It was absolutely adorable. We put James on the floor in his carrier and watched as Watson approached him and sniffed him. He bent down in the doggie "play" pose and started running in circles barking. He'd creep back up to James and sniff him again and run away again. It was cute and the bond officially formed.

Here is Watson coming in for a closer look. The first interactions with James.
1st Kisses. Too precious. Such a gentle giant!
I love this picture of Watson and James. This sums up his role as the "big brother." Love at first sight!
Here he is keeping an eye on things. He perched himself on the couch next to James at all times!

Some of the highlights over the past 15months have been moments with James and Watson together. From the early days when James was too little to even understand what Watson was, Andy and I would watch Watson sit beside him or watch his every move. The nights when James slept in our room before moving to the crib, Watson would sleep as close to his bassinet as possible. He would wake to any coo James would make and lock his eyes on the bassinet until the noises stopped. I think Watson lost more sleep than we did. When James first learned how to laugh, Watson could get him to laugh louder and harder than anyone else. When James started crawling, Watson was right beside him. Now that James walks and runs, Watson runs circles around him. Its quite a sight to see. James can now really interact with him by throwing toys or the ball. Watson retrieves it and brings it back and James bursts out in laughter.He has also toughened James up. Due to the difference in size, James tends to get "pummeled" by Watson. He's like a personal trainer for the little guy. James has even learned to reprimand him when he does "freshy" things. Seeing the little finger pointing at him followed by a "Boh Boh Dots Dots" cracks us up!!
I managed to find room for both of my babies in my lap.

You can find candid pictures of Watson in a lot of the early pictures of James. He's always someplace, keeping an eye on things. Here is one of my personal favorites-trying to figure out if this swing thing is safe!
Watson used to nap on my belly when I was pregnant. I wondered if he knew there was somebody in there. I love this picture because he's sleeping right where he did for 9months, but that person is right beside him now!

Bath time is always interesting with this furry nanny. It's hard to wash James when I have to squeeze by this goof. This is his protective stance.
This is what happens when I try to push Watson out of the way during bath time. Instead of him backing off, he jumps in the tub. There is no separating these two.

I truly believe that Watson is a furry soul mate for our family. He has brought us so much happiness throughout his 3 years with us. James has a built-in best friend, a big brother. My heart feels so happy just thinking of the memories that they will make together.
James got RSV last December and was very sick. Watson was right beside him the whole time.

Look at the size of that snout vs. that tiny hand. He couldn't be more gentle if he tried. He loves kissing James and James loves his kisses!

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